Doodling silly pairs on March 22

Doodling silly pairs on March 22

It’s March 22 - two two’s so I thought to doodle pairs. My first thought this morning was to doodle two ‘two of hearts’ - but I got sidetracked and when I got around to actually doodling - “pair of pants” jumped out at me and then pair of sock, pliers & glasses. Why do they call these things a pair?

Pair of socks makes sense - and even glasses - but pants never made sense to me. Apparently, they were originally worn as two separate items - hence ‘pair’.

Pliers - I guess because it’s two separate pieces that pivot in opposite directions.
In any case, it was fun doodling these items - I used a lot of different light colored markers to build out the blue jeans.

If you think of any other pairs - please let me know - soon it will be April 11th - ha!

Daily doodle, doodling, blue jeans drawing, socks, drawing, pliers drawing, drawing eyeglasses

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