Friday nights I doodle kids’ name cards too

Friday nights I doodle kids’ name cards too

Every Friday afternoon, I tell myself this is going to be the one Friday evening where I get to sleep at a decent hour. Today, I blocked out my daily doodle first thing in the morning - but it never works like that. Here I am 11:47pm, typing away - quickly because one of my eyes is actually closing. 

We had a class trip today with just over 30 kids and I had planned to let the kids doodle hearts in my doodle book - but we got so busy with the trip, that I never got around to having them do that. So, I decided to doodle a dinosaur instead.

Maybe I’ll try to have the kids doodle in my book over the weekends’ events. We’ll see - for now - I have to finish Baldwin’s birthday sketchbook and bubble-letter more namecards - and get some sleep.

Hope you’re doodling every day like me…

My daily doodle, doodling, daily doodle, dinosaur doodle


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